11 February 2013

A little more about virtual functions

I wanted to share a piece of knowledge on virtual functions in C++, then I thought it might be useful to make a little introduction to virtual functions, then only come back to the main topic, so you can find an introduction in my previous post. So I consider that we already know what virtual functions are, what they are meant for, and how they may be implemented (not in much details).

C++ standard puts requirements for the behavior of virtual functions, but it does not specify how they should be supported. Nevertheless, this feature is usually implemented using virtual function tables (vtbl). vtbl is, simply explained, a table of function pointers. The compiler generates a vtbl for each polymorphic class, i.e. a class defining a virtual function or a class derived from the former. vtbl contains entries for all virtual functions available in the class, I say available, because virtual functions defined in upper level of inheritance hierarchy also have their place in vtbl. Let's discuss on an example:

class Base
       virtual void func1();
       virtual void func2();
       virtual void func3();
       virtual void func4();

class Child : public Base
       void func1() override;
       void func2() override;
       virtual void func5();
       virtual void func6();

class GrandChild : public Child
       void func1() override;
       void func3() override;
       void func5() override;
       virtual void func7();

I missed the function bodies and all the other stuff of classes for brevity purpose. Thus, we have three classes - Base, Child and GrandChild, and 7 functions in total. The compiler will generate a virtual function table for each of these classes. Here is what the virtual function tables will contain for each class:

vtbl for ‘Base’

vtbl for ‘Child

vtbl for ‘GrandChild’

As we can see, each vtbl contains the correct addresses of functions for each virtual function in corresponding class. Here correct means the address of the corresponding function of the most derived class that defines/overrides that function. When we instantiate the class, the instance will contain a pointer to the virtual function table (vptr) of the instantiated class. When we call a virtual function on an object, the object always has the type of its class, so in any case the function defined in that very class will be called, that's why virtual functions do not considered when working with objects. When we store an object of a derived class within a pointer to a base class, then virtual functions "work". The call of a virtual function is somehow translated at run-time and the corresponding function from the virtual function table of the class of underlying object (not the pointer type) is chosen. So let's see several examples of calls:

Base *pb1 = new Child();
Base *pb2 = new GrandChild();
Child *pc = new GrandChild();

pb1->func1(); // calls Child::func1
pb2->func1(); // calls GrandChild::func1

pb1->func3(); // calls Base::func3
pb2->func3(); // calls GrandChild::func3

pc->func2(); // calls Child::func2
pc->func3(); // calls GrandChild::func3
pc->func4(); // calls Base::func4

Thus, what function is called depends on what type of object the pointer points to, which can't be known at compile-time, that is why the virtual function call is decided at run-time. The same works for references, because they also work with addresses, not objects. As I am testing my examples with Visual Studio, I will give the implementation details for Visual C++ compiler. It stores the vptr as the first member of object. So, for example, the first call from the example above is converted to something like this:

reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(*(int *)*((int *)pb1 + 0))();

If we run this code, it will do exactly the same as the first call in the list above (pb1->func1()). So let's break it down into smaller pieces to understand what really happens there. Here is the extracted version of a virtual function call:

typedef void (*fptr)();

// vptr is aligned with the start of the object, so we can get the vptr
int *vptr = (int *)pb1;

// vptr points to the correct vtbl, so the address of the vtbl is
int *vtbl = (int *)*vptr;

// func1 is the first function in the vtable,
// so its offset is 0, as it is stored in vtbl
// offset may be stored in bytes also (+4 bytes for each pointer on 32-bit platform)
fptr func1 = reinterpret_cast<fptr>(*(vtbl + 0));

// call the function

As I already mentioned, the standard does not specify the implementation details, so this kind of code will be not only superfluous, but either non-portable. Anyway, I hope it gave a better understanding of how things turn over during the run-time. Thus, the virtual function call (by means of a pointer or a reference) is not an ordinary call and has a little performance overhead, which may turn into a huge if we have numerous calls.

We now know that a virtual function call via a pointer is converted to something else using vtbl and vptr. But someone should create them and correctly initialize. And this someone is the compiler for the virtual function table. Remember, I wrote in the last article, that if we do not define a body for a virtual function the compiler will complain even if we do not create any objects of that class. That is because it creates a virtual function table, but the function body is not there, and the compiler cannot initialize the corresponding function pointer. As for vptr, the compiler generates some extra code in the constructor of the class, which it usually adds before the code we write. Even if we do not define a constructor, the compiler generates a default one, and the initialization of vptr is there. So each time we create an object of a polymorphic class, vptr is correctly initialized and points to the vtbl of that class.

Let's see what happens when a class inherits from several polymorphic classes. Again it is implementation-dependent, though, generally, the picture is the following. In this case, the number of virtual function tables for a class is equal to the number of polymorphic base (immediate) classes. And each object of the class contains exactly as many vptr's as many polymorphic base (immediate) classes it has. Now in order for each function to know which sub-object it should use, the vtbl also stores the offset of the corresponding sub-object in the most-derived object. The rest of the story is actually the same thing as for single inheritance hierarchy, so I will not go further. Just to note, Visual C++ compiler stores the virtual functions of the most-derived class in the virtual function table of the first base, so the first vptr points to a virtual function table which has the function pointers for all virtual functions of first base class, plus, the function pointers for all virtual functions of the derived class itself.

What else should we know about virtual functions in C++? A virtual function can be pure. To declare the virtual function as pure we should assign 0 at the end of the declaration:

virtual void func() = 0;

A class containing a pure virtual function is called an abstract class. An abstract class cannot be instantiated, if we try to we will get a compile error. This is natural, because the idea of abstract class is abstractness, and we cannot have something that does not exist, i.e. is abstract. A class containing only pure virtual functions is known as an interface. Though, in C++ context interface is often referred to as the part of the class intended for access from other components (clients), i.e. the public member functions, and any other functions which accept an object of the class as an argument. A class which overrides all the pure virtual functions forms a concrete type and can be instantiated.
    A pure virtual function is usually used when the function body cannot be defined, not because of complex implementation, or long code, just because the class itself is not responsible for that function, and does not know what to do in that function, the class is only aware that it should do something. For example we can have a class 'Appliance', and a pure virtual function 'MakeSound'. We do not know what sound an appliance makes and how it makes it. But we know if the appliance is an audio player it just plays the music, if it is a refrigerator or a kettle, it will make some noise, etc. So we should override the 'MakeSound' function in each inheriting concrete appliance.
    Most often a pure virtual function will not have a body defined, though it is not restricted. Since we cannot create an instance of an abstract class, we cannot directly call that function, but we can call it in a child class, for example:

class Base
       virtual void func() = 0;

void Base::func()
       // Do something very general, or output some message
class Child : public Base
       void func() override
              if (hasItsOwnBehaviour())
                     // Child knows how to behave,
                     // so implement func here for Child

Hooh, just a little more, and I'll finish. We still have not seen the case with special member functions, particularly, constructor and destructor. The constructor cannot be virtual, because it always needs the exact type of the object being created, i.e. the static and dynamic types are the same, and there is no sense in polymorphic behavior in this case. Also, we cannot have a pointer to constructor. If we want a polymorphic behavior when creating objects, we can take advantage of techniques used in design patterns like factory method and prototype.
    As opposed to constructor, the destructor can be and in most cases must be virtual. Suppose this example:

Base *pb = new Derived();
delete pb;

If the destructor of Base is not virtual, operator delete will call the destructor of Base and then free the allocated memory. This means that Derived object will not be fully destructed. For example if the constructor of Derived allocates a chunk of memory, it won't be freed, because only the destructor of Base will be called. To solve this problem we just need to declare the destructor of Base as virtual. In that case the correct destructor (~Derived) will be executed. So if you are designing a polymorphic type, always declare the destructor as virtual.
    The destructor also can be declared as pure virtual. In this case the class will become an abstract one, and cannot be instantiated. But in this case, it should always define a body for the destructor, because an object of a more derived class will call this destructor when being destructed itself, so the body is mandatory for a pure virtual destructor. A pure virtual destructor may be needed when we do not have any pure virtual functions in the class, but we want to specify and emphasize that the class is abstract.
    If we call a virtual function inside a class constructor the function defined in that class or if not there, in the nearest base which defines it, will be called. And it is logical, because in the constructor the object may not be fully constructed, i.e. if we create an object of a more derived class, there are still other constructors in the queue to be executed to completely construct the object. So, first, vptr may not be correctly initialize (pointing to incorrect vtbl of a less-derived class), and second, the members of the more-derived class that the virtual function is going to use may not be yet initialized.
    The same works for destructors: if we call a virtual function in destructor, the local version of the function will be executed. Again, if it worked as ordinary virtual function call, it may access some members of a more-derived class object, which may have been already destroyed, because the destructors of more derived classes are called first. Here is a little example demonstrating the virtual function calls inside the constructor and destructor:

class Base
       Base() : data(2)
       virtual ~Base()

       virtual void f()
              data = 7;

       int data;

class Derived : public Base

       Derived() : extra_data(10)

       virtual void f()
              data = 17;
              extra_data = 20;

       double extra_data;

int main()
              Derived d; // data = 7, extra_data = 10.0
       return 0;

When 'f' is called from the Base constructor, the Derived part of the object does not exist yet, that's why the 'Base::f' is executed and 7 is assigned to 'data'. If you put a breakpoint in the destructor of Base and run, then step into the 'f' call, again you will see that 'Base::f' is called, this time because the Derived part of the object has already been destroyed.

I think I covered some interesting points. There is still a lot to talk about virtual functions, some usages, some nuances... anyway, I have come to a logical end, and I want to stop here. Thanks for your time, I am very glad if you have learnt anything new from this article. Until the next post.

10 February 2013

A little about virtual functions

   Virtual function is the most common way to support one of the three concepts of object-oriented programming, namely, polymorphism. So what is polymorphism? Wikipedia says the following: polymorphism is a programming language feature that allows values of different data types to be handled using a uniform interface. Maybe this is correct, but I'd rather formulate this in another way: polymorphism is a way to treat different objects the same way without worrying about their exact types.
    So how is polymorphism supported with virtual functions? To answer this, we should know what a virtual function is, and how it is different from ordinary functions. When talking about virtual functions we consider only member functions of a class, global or static member functions cannot be virtual, as they have nothing to do with objects. Suppose we have a class with two member functions:

class OrdinaryClass
       void func1();
       void func2();

To declare a function virtual we need to add keyword virtual to the declaration. Let's do that for function 'func2'.

class PolymorphicClass
       void func1();
       virtual void func2();

So what is the difference? From first sight nothing special. But, let's find out some differences between 'OrdinaryClass' and 'PolymorphicClass'. If we compile exactly these examples we will get an unresolved symbol error for the 'PolymorphicClass', even if we do not call 'func2', but in case of 'OrdinaryClass' we won't get an error if we don't call 'func2'. If we add an empty definition for 'func2' in 'PolymorphicClass' (to make the sample compile), create objects of both classes and just print the results of operator sizeof for both, the sizes will be different. C++ standard does not define the size of 'PolymorphicClass', but in most implementations it will be 4 bytes (32-bit system), and the size of 'OrdinaryClass' instance will be 1. So far we have discovered two differences, but I'll tell the reasons for these a little later.
    Let's define the 'func2' in both classes to see if there is any difference in behaviour:

class OrdinaryClass
       void func1();
       void func2()
              std::cout << "OrdinaryClass :: func2 " << std::endl;

class PolymorphicClass
       void func1();
       virtual void func2()
              std::cout << "PolymorphicClass :: func2 " << std::endl;

void main()
       OrdinaryClass obj1;
       PolymorphicClass obj2;

       obj1.func2(); // OrdinaryClass :: func2
       obj2.func2(); // PolymorphicClass :: func2

If you run this piece of code you will see that both objects behave the same way. The difference comes to stage when we inherit from polymorphic class. Suppose we have polymorphic class 'Base' with single virtual function and a derived class 'Derived' which redefines the mentioned function:

class Base
       virtual void Do()
              std::cout << "Base::Do" << std::endl;

class Derived : public Base
       virtual void Do()
              std::cout << "Derived::Do" << std::endl;

void main()
       Base b1;
       Derived d1;

       b1.Do(); // Base::Do
       d1.Do(); // Derived::Do

       Base *pb = new Base();
       pb->Do(); // Base::Do
       Derived *pd = new Derived();
       pd->Do(); // Derived::Do

       Base *pb2 = new Derived();
       pb2->Do(); // Derived::Do

The outputs of each call of 'Do' is provided in the comment of corresponding line. As we can see, all the calls but the last one result in an expected behavior. The last one executed the function defined in 'Derived', though we called the function on a pointer to 'Base' type. If 'Do' was not declared as virtual the last line should have printed 'Base::Do'.
    So this is how virtual member functions differ from ordinary member functions: when calling a virtual function using a pointer to an object, the function defined in the most derived type is executed. The same is correct for references, because they store the address of the object as the pointers. Redefining virtual function in a derived class is called overriding. C++11 standard introduced a new keyword override to explicitly mention the intent of redefinition of already existing virtual function. The derived class is not obliged to override virtual functions defined in the immediate or upper base classes. In that case calling that function on a pointer to base class pointing to an object of most derived class will execute the function of the deepest derived class in the hierarchy overriding that function.

Which implementation of function to call is determined at run-time, not at compile-time, because the compiler cannot know what type of object the pointer points to, for example:

int num = GetObjectTypeNumber();

Base *ptr = 0;

if (num == 1)
       ptr = new Base();
       ptr = new Derived();


Thus, the function call should be somehow redirected at run-time. So how can the environment know which function definition to execute? Actually C++ standard does not put any requirements on the implementation details of the virtual functions, anyway, most of the compilers do this way: for each polymorphic (containing a virtual function) class a special data structure is created called virtual function table (vtbl), which stores pointers to the functions that should be executed for all the virtual functions defined in the class. This table is created per class. So if we have hundreds of objects of the same polymorphic class, the virtual function table is one. And each instance of a polymorphic class contains a pointer, known as virtual pointer (vptr), pointing to the vtbl of that class. I will explain how the virtual function table is created and what it contains in another article. Just keep in mind that each call of a virtual function on a pointer or a reference is converted to another call of some function from virtual function table through virtual pointer.
    Seems now we know the reasons for both firstly discovered differences between a polymorphic and non-polymorphic classes:
  • the instances differ in sizes because polymorphic class contains an additional pointer (vptr),
  • polymorphic class definition does not compile without the virtual function definition, because it should be used in the virtual function table initialization.
And finally, we started with polymorphism, but did not give a single example. I prefer the most renowned example, one with the shapes. So consider we have a base 'Shape' class and we derive 'Ellipse', 'Rectangle' and 'Triangle' from 'Shape'. 'Shape' has a virtual function 'Draw()', which is overridden in three sub-classes. So now we can keep a list of Shape objects and call Draw() on each of them, without worrying about exact type of the objects, and the correct Draw() will be called for each one:

class Shape
       virtual void Draw()
              // do something generic for all shapes
       // generic shape data

class Ellipse : public Shape
       void Draw() override
              // Draw ellipse using data
       // Ellipse-specific data

class Rectangle : public Shape
       void Draw() override
              // Draw rectangle using data
       // Rectangle-specific data

class Triangle : public Shape
       void Draw() override
              // Draw triangle using data
       // Triangle-specific data

void main()
       std::list<Shape*> listOfShapes;

       listOfShapes.push_back(new Ellipse());
       listOfShapes.push_back(new Rectangle());
       listOfShapes.push_back(new Triangle());

       std::for_each(listOfShapes.begin(), listOfShapes.end(),
[] (Shape *s) {s->Draw();});

If we add implementations instead of comments and run the code, we will see that for each shape the correct version of 'Draw()' is executed. This is the concept of polymorphism, we seem to be doing the same thing, but actually different things happen, and on the other hand we treat different types of objects the same way.

This was just a simple introduction about virtual functions in C++, I will cover more advanced features like pure virtual functions, abstract classes and interfaces, virtual destructors, etc.; answers to some questions like why virtual functions work only for pointers and references, can we call a virtual function in a constructor or destructor, etc.; and some compiler-specific implementation details in my next article, which I am going to post very soon. Thanks for your time and interest.